Exidor 9880 Care Home Door Closer
Suitable for any care facility, the Exidor 9880 silver radius Care Home Door Closer uses a unique swing-free mechanism which prevents injuries and makes life easier.

(orders over £25 + vat)

Unlike others, this allows you to leave the door open a little way for ventilation or wide for access, without being shut by a draught or an unbalanced door. It removes the need to wedge open a door and allows it to still shut automatically in a fire emergency when connected to your fire alarm system.
Made in Britain, the Guardian door closer also prevents injuries to fingers with anti slam protection. Featuring technology which slows the motion of the closing door, this means a door cannot be slammed intentionally or accidentally to protect residents and staff.
Suitable for installation on push and pull interior doors, for standard and fire doors, the closer is CE Marked, Certifire approved, and conforms to British Standard EN 1155.